Coming together to improve education
Your standards-based framework for the classroom

Proven Frameworks and a Collaborative Community of Teachers
We value our partnerships. We are honored to be working with partners across 8 states serving over 8,000+ teachers to help improve school-wide systems and overall student achievement.
Proven Frameworks and a Collaborative Community of Teachers
Increase Student Achievement
The mission of Beyond Textbooks is to collaborate with schools to improve student achievement through the implementation of the Vail School District's proven teaching and learning frameworks.
Increase Student Achievement
Our partners across the country...
- Mingus Union High School
- Lake Pleasant Elementary (Peoria USD)
- Nazlini Community School
- Cooley Middle School
- Arizona Conservatory for Arts and Academics
- Sky Islands Public High School
- Troy USD
- Leavenworth School District
- Kimball Public Schools
- Vaughn MSD
- Quemado ISD
- Northwest MS/HS
- Jemez Valley Public Schools
- Dream Diné Charter School
- Sweetwater County USD
Achieve Success Through Collaboration
Coming together to improve education.
Beyond Textbooks, the online resource and collaborative community created by teachers and district leaders in the Vail Unified School District is used by organizations in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Kansa, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Wyoming. Comprised of 8,000 plus teachers, impacting over 126,000 students, Beyond Textbooks aims to collaborate with schools to improve student achievement by implementing the Vail School District’s proven teaching and learning frameworks.
Want to become a partner?
Justin Chesebrough
Director of Beyond TextbooksMegan Folkers
Assistant Director of Beyond TextbooksBrent Edwards
Assistant Director of Beyond TextbooksChelsea Scopellite
Beyond Textbooks CoordinatorJen Estrada
Beyond Textbooks CoordinatorKristin Salerno
Beyond Textbooks CoordinatorKristin King
Beyond Textbooks FacilitatorAlexa Kirshy
Beyond Textbooks Executive Assistant
Our team is part of the Vail Unified School District and is made up of experienced educators who are here to support our partners!